斷章取義 英文

斷章取義 英文 interpret out of context; 語境去除 (contextomy),又稱 斷章取義 、 脫離語境的引用 (quoting out of context)、 引言探勘 (quote mining)、 去脈絡化 ,是把原論述的 語境 及脈絡去除,據此. If words are used out of context, only a small separate part of what was originally said or written is reported, with the result that their meaning is not clear or is not understood. 國際音標 ( 幫助) : /twän⁵¹ ʈ͡ʂɑŋ⁵⁵ t͡ɕʰy²¹⁴⁻²¹¹.

斷章取義 英文
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斷章取義 英文. 断章取义的英文: [literal meaning] cut off/chapter/get/meaning to unscrupulously quote out of context [解释] 不顾全篇文章或谈话的内容,孤立地取其中一段或一句的意思。比喻引用与原意. 3。 n garbled matter 斷章取義之事. 3 hours ago據衛報報導,布瑞弗曼誤用私人信箱寄送官方文件,嚴重違反規定,可能因此遭特拉斯和新任財相杭特(jeremy hunt)施壓,被迫辭職。 (延伸閱讀:英國新內閣多元面孔 四大. Vt。 斷章取義;歪曲;[通訊]混淆colour , out of context. If words are used out of context, only a small separate part of what was originally said or written is reported, with the result that their meaning is not clear or is not understood. Interpret out of context garble a statement make a deliberate misinterpretation out of context quote a remark out of its context and leave out the main point

【斷章取義】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:Interpret Out Of Context斷章取義;Garble對(事實)歪曲,對(文章等)斷章取義,竄改;Make A Deliberate Misinterpretation Out Of Context斷.

注音 : ㄉㄨㄢˋ ㄓㄤ ㄑㄩˇ ㄧˋ. Take someone's comments out of context. 別斷章取義地引用我的話。 don’t quote my word in out of context!

摘自 Newsweek, Oct 10, 2005, Page 23

If words are used out of context, only a small separate part of what was originally said or written is reported, with the result that their meaning is not clear or is not understood. 3 hours ago據衛報報導,布瑞弗曼誤用私人信箱寄送官方文件,嚴重違反規定,可能因此遭特拉斯和新任財相杭特(jeremy hunt)施壓,被迫辭職。 (延伸閱讀:英國新內閣多元面孔 四大. 國際音標 ( 幫助) : /twän⁵¹ ʈ͡ʂɑŋ⁵⁵ t͡ɕʰy²¹⁴⁻²¹¹.

断章取义的英文: [Literal Meaning] Cut Off/Chapter/Get/Meaning To Unscrupulously Quote Out Of Context [解释] 不顾全篇文章或谈话的内容,孤立地取其中一段或一句的意思。比喻引用与原意.

我們在立法會發言,被斷章取義,以 各取所需方式誇大自己的功 能,攻擊不同立場者,是司空見慣的。 legco.gov.hk when we speak in this council, we are often quoted out of context and. 正確,但是我們不應該斷章取義。 it is right, but we shouldn’t say something with certainty. Quote a remark out of its context (and leave out the main.

這幾句斷章取義的話好像很傷他的心His 英文翻譯 : Heart Bled Over Certain Phrases Taken Out Of Context 斷章 英文翻譯 : Fragments 成仁取義 英文翻譯 : Die A Martyr To A Just Cause;

Interpret out of context garble a statement make a deliberate misinterpretation out of context quote a remark out of its context and leave out the main point 斷章取義 英文翻譯 : interpret out of context; 3。 n garbled matter 斷章取義之事.

語境去除 (Contextomy),又稱 斷章取義 、 脫離語境的引用 (Quoting Out Of Context)、 引言探勘 (Quote Mining)、 去脈絡化 ,是把原論述的 語境 及脈絡去除,據此.

斷章取義的英文: [literal meaning] cut off/chapter/get/meaning to unscrupulously quote out of context [解釋] 不顧全篇文章或談話的內容,孤立地取其中一段或一句的意思。比喻引用與原意. Make a deliberate misinterpretation out of context; 斷章取義 英文 interpret out of context;

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